Meet Our Exec Team!



Daphne Zuckerman is a senior from New York City studying history, computer science and environmental policy. She joined GES because she believe in the power of grassroots organizations and entrepreneurs to make meaningful change in their communities, and GES was an opportunity to connect with young change-makers from around the world. She continues to be impressed by the intellect, creativity, and kindness of club members and delegates and looks forward to meeting this years cohort.

PAIGE BOHART: president

Paige Bohart is a senior from New York City studying environmental policy, history and psychology. She has been in GES since her freshman year, and loves being able to create a unique experience for delegates each year, and getting to learn about their incredible projects. She originally joined GES to find a community of other Northwestern students interested in social impact, and has loved watching GES continue to grow, and can’t wait to meet the 2025 delegates!

KATE JOHNSON: vice presient

Kate Johnson is a junior at Northwestern University from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, majoring in Political Science and Environmental Policy. She loves being part of GES because of the incredible team who make this summit possible. Every year, after the summit, she is filled with excitement and pride from all the new things she has learned! Whether it’s connecting with inspiring delegates and hearing about their projects or witnessing the culmination of the hard work and dedication of the team, she is always in awe of this amazing organization!

GEMMA GIFFORD: director of operations

Gemma is a junior from Boston, Massachusetts studying Economic Sociology and Global Development with a minor in Psych! One thing she loves about GES is being able to collaborate with other hardworking students on a single tangible goal. GES is very results oriented, and being able to seeing the outcome of all of the teams efforts at the summit in April is really gratifying!

ZARA ASGHAR: internal relations chair

Zara is a sophomore from Cincinnati, Ohio studying Learning and Organizational Change and Integrated Marketing Communications. She loves how GES brings together an amazing group of impact-focused undergraduate students to put together a Summit showcasing the world's young change makers.

breanna hibbert: director of domestic delegate outreach

Breanna is a senior from Maryland majoring in Political Science and International Studies. She loves reading and reviewing applications from around the world and helping to bring delegates together to advance their projects!

leila stoll: director of international delegate outreach

Leila is a senior from the San Francisco Bay Area majoring in economics and psychology with a minor in global health studies. She loves getting to know the delegates through both Summit events and outside activities like exploring Chicago together.

shalyssa burns: international delegate logistics chair

Shalyssa Burns is a sophomore from Arizona and a prospective legal studies major at NU. She loves meeting people from around the world and learning about what inspires other young people to start making change in their communities.


Emma is a rising junior from New York City studying journalism!! Over her past two years in GES she has loved getting to work with all these amazing people to plan the best summit possible, and if she had to name a personal favorite summit experience it would be the pitch competition!!

caroline bomback: director of content

Caroline is a senior from New York majoring in journalism with a double minor in psychology and integrated marketing communications. She loves GES because it gives her the opportunity to meet inspiring young entrepreneurs.

allie gould: facilitator recruitment chair

Allie is a junior from Miami majoring in communication studies with a double minor in legal studies and history. She loves learning about the different ways people are positively impacting the world, which is why she became a part of GES!

natalie dosmond: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE

Natalie is a senior from Greenwich, Connecticut, majoring in cognitive science and global health with a minor in business institutions. She loves that with GES, she gets to be a part of a network of dedicated club members and inspiring delegates, and learn more about social entrepreneurship.

will leventhal: SPONSORSHIP CHAIR

Will Leventhal is a junior at Northwestern studying Economics and Business Institutions. He is from New York City and enjoys playing tennis, hanging out with friends and family, and running around with his new puppy. He love that GES gives him the opportunity to connect with people from all around the world.


Campbell is a senior from Chicago majoring in journalism and legal studies on the pre-law track. She is very interested in entrepreneurship and social change and loves how GES blends the two!


Anna is a senior from Santa Barbara, California, majoring in data science and economics. Her favorite part about GES is meeting delegates from around the world and creating a global community!


Sophia is a sophomore from Chicago, majoring in History and International Studies with a minor in Business Institutions. She joined the GES community to learn more about social entrepreneurship and world affairs.

EVELYN JENKINS: director of summit operations

Evelyn Jenkins is a senior student at Northwestern from Dubuque, Iowa! At NU she is studying Communication Studies, French, and Legal Studies, and is interested in the intersection of social justice, law, and communication. She loves being a part of GES because she gets to work with a group of incredible hardworking peers that are passionate about social entrepreneurship and making a change! And, gets to welcome the most INSPIRING delegates to Evanston each spring. Seeing the direct impact of the team makes is so rewarding and the summit is always a blast!

HENRY PARK: social chair

Henry Park is a second-year majoring in economics and minoring in data science. He lives near Wrigley Field, around a 30 minute drive south of campus, and has lived in 4 neighborhoods within the Chicago metro area including Evanston (because of Northwestern). Something he really enjoys about GES is the opportunity to interact with entrepreneurial-minded students (delegates) at the wonderful five-day Summit. Last year, he loved getting to know the delegates over lunch and listening to all of their wonderful ideas and start-ups that they are developing.

ari reith: director of domestic delegate outreach

Ari Reith is a senior from Sudbury, Massachusetts studying Chinese and Business Institutions! She loves GES because it is a unique community of motivated, justice driven innovators. She can’t wait to meet this year’s delegates!


Naol Worku is a sophomore industrial engineering major. He is from Cincinnati, Ohio and his favorite part of GES was meeting Nadia Murad, the keynote speaker from the 2024 Summit!

brooke heinicke: director of international delegate outreach

Brooke is a senior from Colorado studying International Studies and Asian Languages and Cultures. Her favorite part about GES is the people, from the amazing executive team to all the delegates. Everyone is so impressive and talented, and she is so excited to meet this year’s applicants!

sanjana shankar: delegate communications chair

Sanjana currently a junior studying Neuroscience and Global Health and I’m from Barrington, IL - suburb of Chicago. Her favorite thing about GES is the incredible opportunity to meet people around the world who are doing amazing things. It’s so inspiring!


Maya is a rising junior from D.C. studying Industrial Engineering and Architecture. She is excited to be involved with GES again this year because it has been a wonderful opportunity to connect with the impressive delegates and speakers at the summit!

chloe rappaport: dirctor of content

Chloe is a senior from Los Angeles majoring in journalism and history. She loves GES because she gets to meet inspiring people from all around the world who are dedicated to bettering the world!

sydney williams: mentor and judge recruitment chair

Sydney is a junior from the San Francisco Bay Area majoring in earth and planetary sciences with a minor in entrepreneurship. One thing she loves about GES is meeting and becoming friends with the amazing delegates at each summit. Getting to know them and learning about the work the delegates do in their communities is so inspiring.

kate danaher: BUDGETING CHAIR

Kate is from from Lake Forest, IL, and is a Junior at NU. She is studying political science and econ. GES has been the best time ever! She loved meeting all the delegates during the summit and learning about all of their impactful social projects!

daniel leshem: FUNDRAISING CHAIR

Daniel is a Junior from Highland Park, Illinois, studying math, data science, and economics. He joined GES to help the exceptional delegates scale their ventures and solve the most pressing global issues!

annie bomback: SOCIAL MEDIA CHAIR

Annie is from Chappaqua, NY and a sophomore at NU with a major in math and a minor in psychology and computer science. She loves GES because it allows her to learn about, and connect with, inspiring young entrepreneurs from various parts of the world.


Avery is a junior from Boston majoring in neuroscience with a minor in psychology. She is blown away by the talent, grit, independence, and love of learning that all of the delegates bring each year, and she is excited to work with the Northwestern community in continuing the ongoing success and growth of GES.